书籍 Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition的封面

Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition

Dan Ariely









How do we think about money?

What caused bankers to lose sight of the economy?

What caused individuals to take on mortgages that were not within their means?

What irrational forces guided our decisions?

And how can we recover from an economic crisis?

In this revised and expanded edition of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller Predictably Irrational, Duke University's behavioral economist Dan Ariely explores the hidden forces that shape our decisions, including some of the causes responsible for the current economic crisis. Bringing a much-needed dose of sophisticated psychological study to the realm of public policy, Ariely offers his own insights into the irrationalities of everyday life, the decisions that led us to the financial meltdown of 2008, and the general ways we get ourselves into trouble.

Blending common experiences and clever experiments with groundbreaking analysis, Ariely demonstrates how expectations, emotions, social norms, and other invisible, seemingly illogical forces skew our reasoning abilities. As he explains, our reliance on standard economic theory to design personal, national, and global policies may, in fact, be dangerous. The mistakes that we make as individuals and institutions are not random, and they can aggregate in the market—with devastating results. In light of our current economic crisis, the consequences of these systematic and predictable mistakes have never been clearer.

Packed with new studies and thought-provoking responses to readers' questions and comments, this revised and expanded edition of Predictably Irrational will changethe way we interact with the world—from the small decisions we make in our own lives to the individual and collective choices that shape our economy.

Dr. Dan Ariely, 40, is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Behavioral Economics at MIT, where he holds a joint appointment between MIT’s Program in Media Arts and Sciences and the Sloan School of Management. He is also a visiting scholar at the Boston Federal Reserve Bank and a fellow at the Institute for Advance Study at Princeton. Dr. Ariely publishes widely in the leading schol...


Introduction How an Injury Led Me to Irrationality and to the Research Described Here
Ch. 1 The Truth about Relativity: Why Everything Is Relative - Even When It Shouldn't Be 1
Ch. 2 The Fallacy of Supply and Demand: Why the Price of Pearls - and Everything Else - Is Up in the Air 23
Ch. 3 The Cost of Zero Cost: Why We Often Pay Too Much When We Pay Nothing 49
Ch. 4 The Cost of Social Norms: Why We Are Happy to Do Things, but Not When We Are Paid to Do Them 67

作者还蛮幽默的,倒是一定程度引发思考平常生活中经常发生但从未注意到的现象。几个观点有点东西,但没有特别深入,而且每章花了很长的篇幅举例他的实验,还有无数次被他实验的MIT学生。最后修订的里面没太多东西,总之作为behavioral econ入门读读还是不错的
很啰嗦。部分建议很可笑,如让银行设置具有内在消费限制的信用卡,尽管他也清楚内在的利益冲突问题。在银行和信用卡的问题上,《How We Decide》要写得更好。有意思的是,这本书也提了Paulson改变TARP用途却没有给公众交代涉及的诚信问题,可见该问题给公众心理伤害之大。