书籍 Welcome to Your World的封面

Welcome to Your World

Sarah Williams Goldhagen







One of the nation’s chief architecture critics reveals how the environments we build profoundly shape our feelings, memories, and well-being, and argues that we must harness this knowledge to construct a world better suited to the human experience.

Taking us on a fascinating journey through some of the world’s best and worst landscapes, buildings, and cityscapes, Sarah Williams Goldhagen draws from recent research in cognitive neuroscience and psychology to demonstrate how people’s experiences of the places they build are central to their well-being, their physical health, their communal and social lives, and even their very sense of themselves. From this foundation, Goldhagen presents a powerful case that societies must use this knowledge to rethink what and how they build: the world needs better-designed, healthier environments that address the complex range of human individual and social needs.

By 2050 America’s population is projected to increase by nearly seventy million people. This will necessitate a vast amount of new construction—almost all in urban areas—that will dramatically transform our existing landscapes, infrastructure, and urban areas. Going forward, we must do everything we can to prevent the construction of exhausting, overstimulating environments and enervating, understimulating ones. Buildings, landscapes, and cities must both contain and spark associations of natural light, greenery, and other ways of being in landscapes that humans have evolved to need and expect. Fancy exteriors and dramatic forms are never enough, and may not even be necessary; authentic textures and surfaces, and careful, well-executed construction details are just as important.

Erudite, wise, lucidly written, and beautifully illustrated with more than one hundred color photographs, Welcome to Your World is a vital, eye-opening guide to the spaces we inhabit, physically and mentally, and a clarion call to design for human experience.

好喜欢!不同层面的建筑分析与环境心理学信手拈来。无力的是道理我都懂,开发商大手一挥就完了。place attachment, action settings
核心理论借用心理学的embodied recognition,强调生理/身体;为了迎合(想象的)大众建筑类书籍读者,车轱辘话有点多,几个小标题能说明白的事水了半本书,行文语调也有些刻奇,像个高学历Karen…
上班摸鱼时读完了 平时看到一些喜欢的建筑翻来覆去只会说“很美/很现代/很有幸福感” 读完之后大概get这种幸福感从何而来 喜欢最后cue到了"........enhancing people's emotional investment in a neighborhood or place" 是我本人了