书籍 A Lover's Discourse的封面

A Lover's Discourse

Roland Barthes







The language we use when we are in love is not a language we speak, for it is addressed to ourselves and to our imaginary beloved. It is a language of solitude, of mythology, of what Barthes calls an 'image repertoire'. This book revives beyond the psychological or clinical enterprises which have characterised such researches in our culture - the notion of the amorous subject. It will be enjoyed and understood by two groups of readers: those who have been in love (Or think they have, which is the same thing), and those who have never been in love (or think they have not, which is the same thing). This book might be considered, in its restless search for authorities and examples, which range from Nietzsche to Zen, from Ruysbroek to Debussy, an encyclopaedia of that affirmative discourse which is the lover's.

Roland Barthes was born in 1915 and studied French literature and classics at the University of Paris. After teaching French at universities in Romania and Egypt, he joined the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, where he devoted himself to research in sociology and lexicology. He was a professor at the College de France until his death in 1980.

A soft orgasm of nuances. 罗兰巴特伟大
Roland Barthes
羅蘭巴特:「語言是堅定的,而我不是。」 「想要通過在語言之上裝飾一些表達不確定的字句,來削弱語言的堅定,這是荒唐的。你以為任何從語言中出來的事物有辦法讓語言顫動嗎?」 人生十佳
I fall, I flow, I melt.