书籍 Half the Sky的封面

Half the Sky

Nicholas D. Kristof









From two of our most fiercely moral voices, a passionate call to arms against our era’s most pervasive human rights violation: the oppression of women and girls in the developing world.

With Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn as our guides, we undertake an odyssey through Africa and Asia to meet the extraordinary women struggling there, among them a Cambodian teenager sold into sex slavery and an Ethiopian woman who suffered devastating injuries in childbirth. Drawing on the breadth of their combined reporting experience, Kristof and WuDunn depict our world with anger, sadness, clarity, and, ultimately, hope.

They show how a little help can transform the lives of women and girls abroad. That Cambodian girl eventually escaped from her brothel and, with assistance from an aid group, built a thriving retail business that supports her family. The Ethiopian woman had her injuries repaired and in time became a surgeon. A Zimbabwean mother of five, counseled to return to school, earned her doctorate and became an expert on AIDS.

Through these stories, Kristof and WuDunn help us see that the key to economic progress lies in unleashing women’s potential. They make clear how so many people have helped to do just that, and how we can each do our part. Throughout much of the world, the greatest unexploited economic resource is the female half of the population. Countries such as China have prospered precisely because they emancipated women and brought them into the formal economy. Unleashing that process globally is not only the right thing to do; it’s also the best strategy for fighting poverty.

Deeply felt, pragmatic, and inspirational, Half the Sky is essential reading for every global citizen.

White saviors,你们被自己感动了吗? 这本书是写给从来没有睁眼看过别人世界的傻白甜美国人的,也是对学术界社会科学研究的一次无意识的讥讽。
audible. 聚焦于发展中国家女性的困境,叙述了一些帮助项目取得的成果。重点是女性赋能。
Audible 这本书讲了很多故事,世界各地各个阶段女性所面临的问题。也讲了很多缘主者在援助过程中遇到的问题,解决方法等等。各地文化不同,在援助时最有效果的方法都不相同,但永远不能少了让女孩接受教育。听得过程太多血淋淋的故事,断了好几次。这本书也出版十多年了,不知道现在这个世界算不算得上最后一章说得那样是在进步着。
整本书读完,心中五味杂陈。如作者所言,西方主流媒体似乎总是热衷于关注人权问题,但却忽略了女性生存现状(如某国每天被堕女胎的数字其实就已远超某数字运动当天的牺牲者总量) 东南亚色情产业,刚果战争强暴,更别提非洲割礼,以上等等无一不是针对女性的赤裸剥削。世界远比想象中残酷,而不读这本书也就根本了解不到,在我们看不到的地方,原来有那么多的女性现正生活在水深火热之中。 厌女可谓无处不在,而最可怕的还是长久以来社会对这此现象的见怪不怪与无动于衷。 第三世界的女性压迫即21世纪的奴隶制,而教育也正是使女性摆脱奴役的最有效手段。 就像书中最令我动容,也就是妓女们口中那句:虽然我们已无法被救赎,但我们的女儿可以,帮帮她们。