书籍 The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes的封面

The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle







The four classic novels of Sherlock Holmes now available in a separate, attractively priced individual volume.

The publication of Leslie S. Klinger's brilliant new annotations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's four classic Holmes novels in 2005 created a Holmes sensation. Available again in an attractively-priced edition identical to the first, except this edition has no outer slipcase.

Klinger reassembles Doyle's four seminal novels in their original order, with over 1,000 notes, 350 illustrations and period photographs, and tantalizing new Sherlockian theories. Inside, readers will find:

• A Study in Scarlet (1887)—a tale of murder and revenge that tells of Holmes and Dr. Watson's first meeting;

• The Sign of Four (1889)—a cinematic tale of lost treasure;

• The Hound of the Baskervilles (1901)—hailed as the greatest mystery novel of all time; and

• The Valley of Fear (1914)—a fresh murder scene that leads Holmes to solve a long-forgotten mystery.

Whether as a stand-alone volume or as a companion to the short stories, this classic work illuminates the timeless genius of Conan Doyle for an entirely new generation. Two-colour text; 300 illustrations.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh in 1859 and died in 1930. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University and later set up practice as a doctor at Southsea. It was while waiting for patients to arrive that he began to write and it was the success of his many adventure stories that allowed him to actively pursue the many causes that captured his attention, whether it wa...


带书匣 350幅插图 注解详尽
福尔摩斯尚未名震业界,道尔的笔锋也未臻圆熟,分明毫无倦怠,意气开阖,反而特能打动人。从遭遇难关偶露挫败,自我解构,到突破难关,任务越难,成就愈珍贵,深感个我之渺小,才慨叹人生之瑰伟。正如人具有两个面向,华生植于凡俗,福尔摩斯却像芸芸中逸出的那部分,偏执、超理性、惯于卓越、精准如神。对大多数人而言,太阳的红光并不总照耀在身上,也无幸运嘉临,时常体会华生向的渺小、琐碎、寻常和谦卑,英雄难做。但,“...like following the brook to the parent lake,...the chief proof of man's real greatness lies in his perception of his own smallness.” 从这一面到那一面,只是一线之隔。
各种恍然,各种凌乱……不得不说,A型血的思考回路和B型血真TMD就是不一样啊Zenzen不一样啊!!!/ 拿了个泥的刚发现这书的前言是勒卡雷写的orz……