书籍 The Road to Unfreedom的封面

The Road to Unfreedom

Timothy Snyder







With the end of the Cold War, the victory of liberal democracy seemed final. Observers declared the end of history, confident in a peaceful, globalized future. This faith was misplaced. Authoritarianism returned to Russia, as Putin found fascist ideas that could be used to justify rule by the wealthy. In the 2010s, it has spread from east to west, aided by Russian warfare in Ukraine and cyberwar in Europe and the United States.

Russia found allies among nationalists, oligarchs, and radicals everywhere, and its drive to dissolve Western institutions, states, and values found resonance within the West itself. The rise of populism, the British vote against the EU, and the election of Donald Trump were all Russian goals, but their achievement reveals the vulnerability of Western societies.

In this forceful and unsparing work of contemporary history, based on vast research as well as personal reporting, Snyder goes beyond the headlines to expose the true nature of the threat to democracy and law. To understand the challenge is to see, and perhaps renew, the fundamental political virtues offered by tradition and demanded by the future. By revealing the stark choices before us--between equality or oligarchy, individuality or totality, truth and falsehood--Snyder restores our understanding of the basis of our way of life, offering a way forward in a time of terrible uncertainty.

Timothy Snyder is the Housum Professor of History at Yale University and a permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. He received his doctorate from the University of Oxford in 1997, where he was a British Marshall Scholar. Before joining the faculty at Yale in 2001, he held fellowships in Paris, Vienna, and Warsaw, and an Academy Scholarship at Harvard. He...


读了一章教授节选的 觉得是我这学期读过的最不喜欢的作品 本身的观念就有点bias 看到那句according to american authorities then and since我真是笑了 这算什么随口一说的引用?这样的引用能有多大的说服力?让人更加怀疑只不过是瞎编乱造罢了 it’s more like a point of view rather than absolute fact. Not my type
推荐看,反正很有意思。 极端bias,不能说他说的对不对,但他说的方式让我觉得他说的不能全信。
刚读感觉它自己就挺像conspiracy theory,而且语言里面的优越感很让人反感,不过结合最近的时事看确实感觉有先见,加一星
Sharp comments and interesting perspective. The parts about conspiracy theories are a little bit stirring tho.
欧洲人如果抛弃欧盟,俄罗斯有自己关于欧洲的想法,推动欧亚主义的实现,并且思想资源,很大部分来自一个叫做Ivan Ilyin的沙俄贵族思想家,其核心要义就是欧洲国家都是帝国主义国家,法西斯是帝国的最佳形式,俄罗斯就是最佳的法西斯帝国。这个人流亡欧洲,在苏联被批判,然后解体后,普京重新发掘了他的思想资源。 NYT的报道说:“普京对这位流放作家很是迷恋。他在若干次国家演讲中引用伊林的话,帮助把伊林的遗体从瑞士迎回俄罗斯重新下葬,据报道,他自己掏钱为伊林建了一座新墓碑,后来又到坐落在莫斯科某修道院的伊林墓前献花。”