书籍 Excellent Advice for Living的封面

Excellent Advice for Living

Kevin Kelly(凯文凯利)









Succinct bits of wise, practical, optimistic life advice from author, leading technology thinker, and cofounder of Wired magazine Kevin Kelly

On his sixty-eighth birthday, Kevin Kelly wrote down for his young adult son some things he had learned about relationships, business, and life that he wished he had known earlier. To his surprise, he had more to say than he thought, so he continued composing these short passages of guidance until he had more than four hundred of them.

Kelly’s bits of advice cover an astonishing range of subject matter, and each statement is meant to be a memorable prompt for an action one could take. Many of them are about right living, good conduct, and civility. There is advice on setting ambitious goals, forgiveness and gratitude, taking responsibility for mistakes, optimizing generosity, and cultivating awareness, compassion, and creativity. Career, work, and financial advice is given, as well as guidance related to practical matters ranging from parenting and troubleshooting to the importance of learning how to tie a bowline knot.

Excellent Advice for Living is aimed primarily at young people, and in particular at young professionals, but it will speak to anyone at any stage of life. Kelly’s advice is memorable, and, more important, needed right now.

挺有意思。里面的tips倒是想尝试可否用来做shared margin writing, 就像kk自己说的, ”You are encouraged to expand these seeds as you read to fill your own situation“.
克服偏见,听了常听的播客主访谈KK,翻了翻书有的挺好。如果就选2条:1The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. 2 For every good thing you love ask yourself what your proper dose is.
KK 新作,结构松散,全是短句,看似简单,细品深邃,大到改变世界,小到修点东西,这个睿智的老头总有一些东西能教给你,
一直订阅KK的Recommendo 也一直followup他分享的各种bitesize智慧 本以为作为老粉 内容不会对我太新奇 毕竟是过往内容的整理 但是没想到读后依然受用 读完整本书 只要有一条建议 你能记住并听进去 就已然是5星了 Thank you KK