书籍 Philosophical Explanations的封面

Philosophical Explanations

Robert Nozick


Belknap Press







In this highly original work, Robert Nozick develops new views on philosophy's central topics and weaves them into a unified philosophical perspective. It is many years since a major work in English has ranged so widely over philosophy's fundamental concerns: the identity of the self, knowledge and skepticism, free will, the question of why there is something rather than nothing, the foundations of ethics, the meaning of life. Writing in a distinctive and personal philosophical voice, Mr. Nozick presents a new mode of philosophizing. In place of the usual semi-coercive philosophical goals of proof, of forcing people to accept conclusions, this book seeks philosophical explanations and understanding, and thereby stays truer to the original motivations for being interested in philosophy. Combining new concepts, daring hypotheses, rigorous reasoning, and playful exploration, the book exemplifies how philosophy can be part of the humanities.

Robert Nozick was Pellegrino University Professor at Harvard University. His book Anarchy, State, and Utopia received a National Book Award.

以前写论文时读过,虽然不少人评价Nozick的文笔很好,但我自己读的时候总感觉有些散乱,今天看到Bernard Williams写的书评,他认为这本书唯一有哲学价值的地方或许就是讲知识论的部分了。Williams还说,Nozick的书体现了“the Great American Novel syndrome”,即他总是把他认为在书里所做的尝试看作是已经实现了的东西。其它的评价就更有意思了,比如什么他认为Nozick的一些判断就像是飞到太空里的宇航员一样,他既不知道地球上的人在说什么,也很难评价自己说的东西。希望以后我要是也写出什么书的时候,也有这样的评价,先不说什么苛刻或者误解什么的,至少也让一些所谓严肃的“学术活动”可以更有趣些。
Chapter 3
托朋友从美国带回,边查字典边思考,每天10页左右,缓缓读过。 10月中旬,基本看完,略有所得,然粗拙鄙陋,不能言说。