书籍 The Man Who Solved the Market的封面

The Man Who Solved the Market

Gregory Zuckerman












Bestselling author and veteran Wall Street Journal reporter Gregory Zuckerman answers the question investors have been asking for decades: How did Jim Simons do it?

Jim Simons is the greatest money maker in modern financial history. His track record bests those of legendary investors including Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Ray Dalio, and George Soros. Yet Simons and his strategies are shrouded in mystery. Wall Street insiders have long craved a view into Simons's singular mind, as well as the definitive account of how his secretive hedge fund, Renaissance Technologies, came to dominate financial markets. Bestselling author and Wall Street Journal reporter Gregory Zuckerman delivers the goods.

After a legendary career as a mathematician at MIT and Harvard, and a stint breaking Soviet code for the U.S. government, Simons set out to conquer financial markets with a radical approach. He hired mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists, most of whom knew little about finance. Experts scoffed as Simons built Renaissance Technologies from a dreary Long Island strip mall. He amassed piles of data and developed algorithms to hunt for deeply hidden patterns in the numbers--patterns that reveal rules governing all markets.

Simons and his colleagues became some of the richest individuals in the world and their data-driven approach launched a quantitative revolution on Wall Street. They also anticipated dramatic shifts in society. Eventually, governments, sports teams, hospitals, and businesses in almost every industry embraced Simons's methods.

Simons and his team used their newfound wealth to upend society. Simons has become a major influence in scientific research, education, and politics, while senior executive Robert Mercer is more responsible than anyone else for Donald Trump's victorious presidential campaign. The Renaissance team's models didn't prepare executives for the ensuing backlash.

The Man Who Solved the Market is the dramatic story of how Jim Simons and a group of unlikely mathematicians remade Wall Street and transformed the world.

COVID read
[有声书] 因为格外喜欢数学天才的故事,所以这本听下来觉得还是相当精彩的!尤其是Simons团队以机器学习算法为主体的投资方案,虽然书也没有揭秘多少,但对于我这种对投资毫无了解的读者来说,大概念讲得清晰,逸闻趣事也是丰富多彩。早期和发迹的故事固然好听,但印象最深的反而是结尾处关于这些金融大鳄们“涉足”政治,尤其是2016年Trump的当选和之后的种种,多少让人有些唏嘘。另外Simons的philanthropy也是杠杠的,不说书里提到的高光项目了,哪怕是AMS提供的Simons Travel Grant也是资助了我好多数学同事们的科研项目,真是惠及无数啊!所以有钱还是别参与政治,多给广大人民提供摸得到的帮助吧,哈哈!
终于读完了这本关于最牛逼(之一)也最神秘的对冲基金文艺复兴,和其创始人Jim Simons的流水账……Good life story,最后谈到2018年12月美股crash的时候,即使是Simons也打电话给自己的Family Office 负责人,问”我们要不要做空市场来对冲风险“?所以理性决策是多么多么难……
可能investigative journalist出書未必是個好主意 - 敘事結構太像維基詞條了,明明很驚心動魄的情節編排起來卻冗長沈悶 // 在最後一章說 「be guided by a sense of beauty」 - 能真心欣賞數字排列組合的,是嚴謹的數學家無誤了 (只是恰好在side hustle賺了很多錢XD
作为大学/高中的数学课的兴趣读物还可,入门,但比较平淡。最后几章让我不禁在想money rules the world,但说真的money making machines到底又是被谁在统治呢?
30年年化66,他们做了件了不起的事。 一些方向的转变也很有启发,2000年后的改进基本没有了。个人轶事略多 四天看完英文版,英语阅读变强了:)