As far as learning about the issues surrounding climate change goes, a novel whose underlying premise can be summarized as “LA LA LA IGNORE IT AND IT’LL ALL GO AWAY” is not the best place to start.
Highly recommended.
Show a brand new angle for you to see the world, to understand the information surround you.
And arouse deeply rethink.
Then are we willing to be innocent person?
There are many things we take for granted: the earth, the nature, and myriads of assumptions and information we hear from others.
Michael Crichton(侏罗纪公园作者)20年前一部小说“State Of Fear”,虽然是科幻小说,但里面所描述的美帝政府利用制造“恐惧”治国如出一辙。自二战以来,美帝政棍们笃信只要利用舆论令国民内心产生惧怕思维,他们就会失却独立思考能力而任由政府摆布。美帝拥有全世界最庞大的军事体系(比全世界加起来都大),却频频出现俄罗斯威胁论,中国威胁论,伊朗威胁论,朝鲜威胁论等等,这一大堆不就是现在美帝的国家的实际情况么?