书籍 Coraline的封面


Neil Gaiman







When Coraline moves to a new house she is fascinated by the fact that their house is in fact only half a house. Divided into flats years before, the other flat, it soon becomes clear to Coraline, is not quite as cosy and safe as her own.

Neil Gaiman is the bestselling author of many multi-award-winning books for both adults and children. Coraline is currently being made into a film, with release scheduled for autumn 2008. Stardust, the movie based on Neil's bestselling graphic novel series, released in the autumn of 2007. Neil lives in America and travels the world extensively promoting his books.

敢把other mother写成这样的鬼👻的,也就Neil Gaiman 了吧。 他说:children experienced as an adventure but which gave adults nightmare 他还说:it's the strangest book I've written, it took the longest time to write, and it's the book I'm proudest of.
尼尔盖曼是cat person😄
分了好多次看完了。相比电影版,书版少了whyborn那个男孩的角色,少了一些鬼妈妈诱惑Coraline递进的东西。总的来说书版的探险部分其实要比电影版恐怖一些,电影版更多的注重了叙事节奏、更好看一些。但是不管哪个版本,Coraline都好勇敢啊!希望我也能如Coraline一般勇敢,像是作者在前言里说的,Being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. It means you’re scared, really scared, badly scared, and you do the right thing anyway.愿我永远能在困境中坚持走那条不好走、但不逃避且正确的路。
2013-10-15 im truly scared 恐怖感真很足啊TvT上次被文本類的東西嚇到還是鈴木光司呢……“愛我你就縫扣子,不過可以挑顏色”2333
对英文小说就没啥太触动的感觉…… 小姑娘蛮勇敢的
the plot is simple and easy to understand which is in line with its theme–for children. In a word, i don't think it's so interesting that i want to read it on and on without interruption. To some extent, the author Neil Gaiman is to my taste so that i read through this book finally.