书籍 The World of Yesterday的封面

The World of Yesterday

Stefan Zweig







By the author who inspired Wes Anderson’s 2014 film, The Grand Budapest Hotel

Written as both a recollection of the past and a warning for future generations, The World of Yesterday recalls the golden age of literary Vienna—its seeming permanence, its promise, and its devastating fall.

Surrounded by the leading literary lights of the epoch, Stefan Zweig draws a vivid and intimate account of his life and travels through Vienna, Paris, Berlin, and London, touching on the very heart of European culture. His passionate, evocative prose paints a stunning portrait of an era that danced brilliantly on the edge of extinction.

This new translation by award-winning Anthea Bell captures the spirit of Zweig’s writing in arguably his most revealing work.

Stefan Zweig was one of the world's most famous writers during the 1920s and 1930s, especially in the U.S., South America and Europe. He produced novels, plays, biographies and journalist pieces. Among his most famous works are Beware of Pity, Letter from and Unknown Woman and Mary, Queen of Scotland and the Isles. He and his second wife committed suicide in 1942.

Zweig studied...


读了无限唏嘘,只能说满目疮痍的世界,颠沛流离的生活成就了更好的 你的作品。
As opposed to, or maybe similar to Zweig’s, we, as a generation that grew up in peace, have our own bitter moments of disillusion. In such moments, to retire into one’s inner self is never sufficient to shield one from the impact of the catastrophic strike of reality. Such a depressing book that speaks to me on so many levels.
我很喜欢这个英译本,译文通晓流畅,可读性很高。btw,我不认为茨威格写书的时候已经有了终结生命的倾向,但或许如译者所言,茨威格完书后即使看到战争局面开始扭转,也不再像年轻时候还那么有心有力相信人性本善可以重建他所珍爱的那个美好欧洲(我认为他忠于欧洲大于“世界”)。但就像茨威格在全书最后一章引用弗洛伊德的评述所言:“it is impossible to root the elemental, barbaric destructive drive out of the human psyche. 仔细想想现在的Internet Tycoon,是不是也通过打开潘多拉魔盒,利用诱惑、满足人性之中那点靠理性控制的“恶欲”以牟利。
more timely than anyone would like it to be...
描述奥地利战争来临之前悠闲的生活,一切都那么井井有条,不知道战争将至。在2022年的中国,读来一起貌似历史重现的感觉。语言极好,我是找 人类群星闪耀时 没找到,找到了这本,翻译成英文依然文采飞扬。 作者最后自杀真是可惜