书籍 Landline的封面


Rainbow Rowell







In New York Times bestselling author Rainbow Rowell's Landline, Georgie McCool knows her marriage is in trouble. That it’s been in trouble for a long time. She still loves her husband, Neal, and Neal still loves her, deeply — but that almost seems besides the point now.

Maybe that was always besides the point.

Two days before they’re supposed to visit Neal’s family in Omaha for Christmas, Georgie tells Neal that she can’t go. She’s a TV writer, and something’s come up on her show; she has to stay in Los Angeles. She knows that Neal will be upset with her — Neal is always a little upset with Georgie — but she doesn’t expect to him to pack up the kids and go home without her.

When her husband and the kids leave for the airport, Georgie wonders if she’s finally done it. If she’s ruined everything.

That night, Georgie discovers a way to communicate with Neal in the past. It’s not time travel, not exactly, but she feels like she’s been given an opportunity to fix her marriage before it starts . . .

Is that what she’s supposed to do?

Or would Georgie and Neal be better off if their marriage never happened?

Rainbow Rowell writes books. Sometimes she writes about adults (ATTACHMENTS and LANDLINE). Sometimes she writes about teenagers (ELEANOR & PARK and FANGIRL). But she always writes about people who talk a lot. And people who feel like they're screwing up. And people who fall in love.

When she's not writing, Rainbow is reading comic books, planning Disney World trips and arguing ...


看了将近一半 还是决定弃了。。完全不懂这本书怎么能得去年的best fiction 情节真的好无聊 节奏也差 我一直在等待有exciting的情节出现也完全没有 人物塑造也不喜欢 女主角自私 男主角冷漠 倒是蛮喜欢女主的男闺蜜。。大段大段毫无意义的对话。。。
我一忍再忍,想到既然开了头就要有个结尾,勉强听完了这本书。朗读者真的把这本书的让人无法忍受的部分发挥得淋漓尽致。基本上就是个女神经病的故事。我选这本书的原因是匆匆看见介绍上说“hilarious”,结果悲剧了。 作者在与出版社之间的对话节目中说她喜欢写对话,可是这对话也太多了。 怎么说了,人不能太闲,闲得慌了就会和女主人公一样蛋疼。这是针对个人而言,而且不现实。现实是我们没法不闲,不一定分分秒秒都闲,至少一阵一阵的,于是蛋疼,于是成为成为可以发酵成人性,社会,伦理不拉布拉的高大上成分,成为社会存在和发展的不可缺少的因素。可是单看任何一个做着具体贡献的人的蛋疼是惨淡的。
Boring, old, and fake. None of the characters is likable. I do not understand how this book was voted the best fiction in 2014 on Goodreads.
这本获得了Goodreads用户投票best fiction 2014。看了大半其实不太有感觉,但看到Georgie帮狗狗接生那里突然就掉泪了。最重要还是懂珍惜吧,不要take it for granted.
我天,这种层次还能拿GoodReads Best Fiction 2014!!!!买它简直就是浪费钱,读它简直就是浪费生命。整本书感觉像小学生写作文一样堆砌字数。毫无意义的对话,毫无逻辑的情节。简直不知道作者要表达什么,不知所云。也没看出作者文字功底有多好,连我这个非母语读者都快能一目十行了,也不是说文字简单就不好,但是这位作者的文字就是如白开水一般,完全没有品位的必要
一直以为是JK Rowling写的……看得真的怪吃力和无趣的…一点点小事说了一本书,哎…