书籍 Radical Candor的封面

Radical Candor

Kim Scott







From the time we learn to speak, we’re told that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. When you become a manager, it’s your job to say it--and your obligation.

Author Kim Scott was an executive at Google and then at Apple, where she developed a class on how to be a good boss. She has earned growing fame in recent years with her vital new approach to effective management, Radical Candor.

Radical Candor is a simple idea: to be a good boss, you have to Care Personally at the same time that you Challenge Directly. When you challenge without caring it’s obnoxious aggression; when you care without challenging it’s ruinous empathy. When you do neither it’s manipulative insincerity.

This simple framework can help you build better relationships at work, and fulfill your three key responsibilities as a leader: creating a culture of feedback (praise and criticism), building a cohesive team, and achieving results you’re all proud of.

Radical Candor offers a guide to those bewildered or exhausted by management, written for bosses and those who manage bosses. Taken from years of the author’s experience, and distilled clearly giving actionable lessons to the reader; it shows managers how to be successful while retaining their humanity, finding meaning in their job, and creating an environment where people both love their work and their colleagues.

A fairly good book with plenty of real examples and stories which I believe should be beneficial to anyone who works in a corporate environment.
As a manager there are three areas of responsibility do have: guidance, team - building, and results. Scott has have identified two dimensions that, when paired, will help you move in a positive direction on the three areas of responsibility - Personal Caring and Directly challenge. Good book for front line manager with practical actions.
先从听podcast开始了解到这本书,题外话,这个系列的podcast质量真的蛮高的。虽然不是manager,但是其中关于如果give and receive feedback, 怎么沟通,甚至怎样正确地表扬的部分都感觉受益匪浅。最impressed的地方我觉得是作为manager应该initialize的3 career path conversation:至今没遇到这样的manager。 sigh:)
最近看的管理类书里干货比较多的一本 适合silicon valley culture
几年前带过一个新员工,有个坏习惯,吃饭吧唧嘴,很显粗鲁。我纠结了很久,知道有必要告诉他要改正这个习惯,可既担心伤他自尊心,又害怕显得自己管太多,很犹豫,最后还是挑了机会如实相告,让他必须慢慢改过来,否则很影响社交。后来他很感激我的诚实,并就此建立了信任。读此书第一部分的感受是therapeutic,原来大家一开始都一样,是需要学习的过程,无论多小的团队想维持好氛围都很有压力。educational,Google跟Apple管理模式的比较很启发人,虽然大环境不能改变,但我们都能努力改变自己的团队氛围,让自己具体的体验变好,这个成长目标很适合偏感性的我。第二部分过于啰嗦,启发人,不会看读第二遍,但radical candor这个逻辑会仔细品味。
送给天下bad boss的效用手册