Les Miserables是十九世纪最著名的小说之一。全书以卓越的艺术表现力,通过对冉•阿让等人的悲惨遭遇以及冉•阿让被卞福汝主教感化后所做的一系列令人感动的事迹的描写。向人们展示了一幅自1793年法国大革命到1832年巴黎人民起义期间法国近代社会生活和政治生活的辉煌画卷。 小说集中反映了雨果的人道主义思想,饱含了雨果对于人类苦难命运的关心和未来坚定不移的信念,具有震撼人心的艺术感染力,被誉为“人类苦难的百科全书”和“人性向善的精神史诗”,是世界文学史上现实主义与浪漫主义相结合的典范。本书为《三个火枪手》的英文漫画版。
A monumental classic dedicated to the oppressed, the underdog, the laborer, the rebel, the orphan, and the misunderstood, Les Miserables is a rich, emotional novel that captures nothing less than the entirety of life in nineteenth-century France. Les Miserables is primarily a great humanitarian work that encourages compassion and hope in the face of adversity and injustice. It is also a historical novel of great scope, and provides a detailed vision of nineteenth-century French politics and society. Dramatic, packed with rich excitement and filled with the sweep and violence of human passions, Les Miserables is not only superb adventure but a powerful social document. The story of how the convict Jean-Valjean struggled to escape his past and reaffirm his humanity, in a world brutalized by poverty and ignorance, became the gospel of the poor and the oppressed. Beautifully illustrated, this classic tale will capture children's interest and spark their imagination inspiring a lifelong love of literature and reading.
Victor Hugo (1802-85) was the most forceful, prolific and versatile of French nineteenth-century writers. He wrote Romantic costume dramas, many volumes of ...