Chris Bailey
评分 7.6分
A practical guide to managing your attention--the most powerful resource you have to get stuff done, become more creative, and live a meaningful life Our attention has never been as overw
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在充滿干擾的現代世界裡,提高生產力的實用手冊! 注意力放在哪裡,成就就在哪裡! 在公司,電腦桌面角落經常亮起的通知、三不五時響起的電話、主管臨時交辦的任務與同事的喧鬧,你真正「專注」的時間有多少? 下班後,來自家人的期待與要求、通訊軟體與社群媒體的通知、沒追完的劇和對未來的煩惱盤據心中,你真正「休息」的時間有多少? <
Revisualizing Visual Culture
In the past twenty years digital technology has had a radical impact on all the disciplines associated with the visual arts - this book provides expert views of that impact. By looking at the advan