The Four Pillars of Investing
William Bernstein
评分 8.8分
The Four Pillars of Investing offers a comprehensive, incisive and pithy treatment of the issues. -- Barron's; May 27, 2002
The Delusions of Crowds
评分 暂无
Inspired by Charles Mackay's 19th-century classic Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, William Bernstein engages with mass delusion with the same curiosity and pass
◆作者威廉.伯恩斯坦告訴投資人,一項已證實有效而且直接易懂的方法;在賺取超額報酬的同時又能大幅降低你的風險暴露。藉由避免投資個別股票和證券,以及將資金置於廣泛且更穩定的跨領域投資,這項尊崇投資法則及紀律的資產配置,已證實在各種市場條件下都有效。一旦投資人學會了資產配置的基礎、技術和過往成功紀錄,你不會再為利率調升、股市振盪和其它無法控制的金融事件而失眠。 ◆本書釐清了費時