This is Going to Hurt
Adam Kay
评分 9.0分
Welcome to 97-hour weeks. Welcome to life and death decisions. Welcome to a constant tsunami of bodily fluids. Welcome to earning less than the hospital parking meter. Wave goodbye to your friends
评分 9.2分
本·卫肖(Ben Whishaw)主演的BBC同名剧集《疼痛难免》(<This Is Going to Hurt>)热播!现将图书再版,增加作者新序,并以电视剧海报作为封面!!! 欢迎来到菜鸟医生的疯狂人生:每周工作97小时、令人压力大到抓狂的生死决策、如海啸般喷发的各种人体体液,还有比医 院停车场计时器还少的可怜时薪。 喜剧演员兼前菜鸟医